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All About Adwords And Adsense By Jason Tarasi, Sat Dec 10th
Copyright 2005 Jason Tarasi Everyone is scrambling for news about the new kids on the net -AdWords and that is. You've got to hand it to Google.They've really outdone themselves this time. AdWords is Google's pay-per-click advertising program. AdWordsis similar to other pay-per-click advertising programs, but theother side of the coin, AdSense, makes it an incredibly powerfuladvertising program. I'll get to that in a moment, for now let'stake a look at AdWords and how it works.
With AdWords, you can create your very own advertisements or youcan have Google's team design the advertising campaign for you.When you create AdWords advertisements, they appear on theinternet right away. You have complete control of your budget asyou only pay when your ad is clicked on and you can set yourvery own daily limits for what you are willing to pay. There isno minimum budget or locked in time that you have to run yourcampaign. You choose the keywords you want to target, so you gettargeted traffic from your ads - people who are looking forspecifically what you have to offer. You can rely on Google for quick, friendly and knowledgeablesupport when you need it. Additionally, you can accessperformance reports that keep you informed on how well youradvertising is doing so you can make changes as needed. I know all that sounds pretty similar to other pay-per-clickprograms, but now let's take a look at the other
side. AdSense... AdSense adds a powerful punch to the AdWords program as well asgiving website operators the ability to make money from theirwebsites by displaying Google Ads (those from the AdWordsprogram). So, as an AdWords advertiser, you've got an advantagein that website operators are providing high quality content tobrowsers and because of the keywords, your ads appear on theirwebsites in clear view of individuals who are looking for yourproducts or services. As a website operator, you can choose keywords for the AdSenseprogram that are relevant to the content you provide. Thekeywords will draw in relative advertisements to be displayed onyour website, things that your browsers are interested in, whichadds value to the information provided to your visitors. Whenyour website visitors click on a Google Ad, you gain revenuefrom that click. Providing high quality, relative content is keyto making money with AdSense. AdWords and are win-win propositions for advertisers andwebsite operators. Advertisers get targeted traffic to theirwebsites at minimal costs and website operators make money forhaving the ads displayed on their websites. AdWords and AdSenseare welcomed additions to the world of e-business and internetmarketing. About the author:Jason Tarasi publishes the reciprocal links newsletter "EliteLinks" Learn HOW thousands of other Elite Links members generateFREE traffic and increase their search engine rankings byswapping links. Grab your free lifetime subscription now at: