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Adwords, Adsense, Seo - Common Denominator, Keywords By Vickie J Scanlon, Fri Dec 23rd
If you have just put up a website, you probably all ready haveheard words like: keywords, Google Adwords, Google Adsense, SEO.Adwords, Adsense, SEO have one thing in common - Keywords. Howimportant are keywords? Very Important. Google Adwords Adwords, be it through Google, Miva, or any pay-per-click searchengines, you need keywords. With Adwords, you create athree-line ad - 25 word title, with two 35 word lines of ad copy- then you create your keywords. To get the hits, you have tobrainstorm for different keywords, that are different butrelevant to your target audience. Sound easy? It's not. It takestime, patience, constant tweaking, and hoping that the productyou are selling is not already saturated -- to much competition,makes it a little more difficult for the novice to make a profit.
Google Adsense Google is an advertising program created by Google, andwhich is beginning to be explored by other search engines, suchas Yahoo and MSN - that allows you to put targeted ads on yourwebsite. If someone clicks on the ad, you earn a small amount ofmoney. These ads are keyword driven and are relevant to yourwebpage or website. Sounds simple? Well, not really. There is more too it than justputting an ad on your website and expecting someone to click onit. What's involved? Let's see - color, position, style, to namejust a few. SEO Search engine optimization - this for
me has been atime-consuming process - since I am still learning. SEO iskeyword driven - the search engines pull the keywords from yourweb copy - not, to my surprise, from the meta keywords tag.Granted, I still use the meta keywords tag, but maybe in thenear future, I will slowly eliminate the tag from my webpages... The search engines do, however, pull information from MetaDescription, Meta Title, and the content of your webpages. Thus,content does reign supreme. Since content reigns supreme, each page should contain usefulcontent and most importantly, your most relevant keywords thatyou want to emphasize. Secondly, it is best to try and base yourkeywords around a central theme. I have found that when thekeywords diverts away from the main theme - that sends a redflag to search engines. So, if you want to look at your keywordsand the density of the keywords on your webpage or webpages -You can get a quick rundown at: . It's a free tool, andvery helpful. To conclude, keywords is one of the main ingredients that leadspeople to your website, product, service and/or ad. ...AND,keywords based around your quality content will help with yourpositioning on your website. About the author:Vickie J Scanlon has a BBA degree in Administrative Managementand Marketing. Visit her site at: for free tools, articles relatedto affiliate marketing, ebooks, how to info, affiliateopportunities - all aimed toward the affiliate marketer and themarketing process.