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My Adsense Click Revenue Shot Up 12 Times When I Used Free Legal By Christopher Kyalo, Sat Dec 10th
I stumbled on this money-making tip almost by accidentfrom a great affiliate program I joined that has the best onlinemarketing training program I have ever come across. One of the key aspects of the very effective online marketingprogram they were talking about at this affiliate program, wasthe use of safe lists to email ad messages out. Well, I decidedI could do better and join safelists that allowed the posting ofarticles (and not just email ads). These are basically onlineezines that publish content and distribute it to the list. Bysimply joining a few safe lists with a couple thousand ofmembers, your promotional article will be reachingmillions of email boxes, every time you send it out. There is nothing online that is as effective as email. Even SPAMthat gets through works. Why else would those SPAM pests keep onmaking everybody's life so miserable at the risk of gettingarrested? The big advantage here is that this bulk emailmarketing strategy of joining article announcement lists isperfectly legal and you will not be upsetting anybody. In factin many cases some of the folk will be eagerly accessing andreading your articles.
There are of course other factors that come into play like thekind of headlines to use and the importance of ensuring that youtarget the right article announcement groups (more on thatlater). Still all the skills required can be learned. I learntthem myself by trial and error and constant testing. Two days after spending a couple of hours setting up my safelist bulk email marketing program, I opened my accountone morning and almost fell off the chair in excitement. Myearnings had shot up almost 9 times above my previous average.But there was something else even more interesting, I wasgetting more clicks on my ads from fewer visitors. Thisis a puzzle that I am yet to solve because to date articlesdistributed through my safe lists do much better for me in termsof
clicks than articles I post at high traffic sites. Still I doboth activities regularly. There was one more delightful aspect about this method ofincreasing clicks, that I noticed. After sending outabout three or four articles via my safelists, I got so busythat I did not have the time to write good content to distributevia my safelists. So you would have expected my earningsto drop like a stone right back to where they were. Surprise,surprise, it did not happen. It stayed up there over one weekafter I had sent out my last article. That was when I wastotally convinced that I had a winner in my hands. But You must carefully target your market You should have no illusions about safe lists. The cold factsare that a lot of the email goes unread. Most people who receivethe articles will quickly scroll down looking for an interestingheadline. Many others subscribe to the information at adesperate moment of need but then lose interest soon after andnever actually open their messages from the list they'vesubscribed to. The truth is that only a tiny fraction of people who receive theemail will ever open your message. Even fewer will glimpsethrough it for a few seconds and fewer still will take the timeto read it and understand the contents. With these kind of odds your chances of being effective diminishdramatically if you don't carefully target the right safe listsand groups to join. Always remember that relevance greatlyincreases your chances of being read. It is the same principlewhich has made PPC ads so effective. Still article groups and safe lists are extremely effective, andhere's why. About the author:Christopher Kyalo is a successful online writer andentrepreneur. Read the rest of this article and other valuableAdsense money-making tips in his free ezine. Subscribe to now bysending a blank email Or get moredetails about it at his Google Blog