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Monetize Your Web Site With Google Adsense
By Herman Drost, Sat Dec 10th

Why would you want to earn a few cents or dollars per click fromdisplaying Google ads on your web site? Can you reallymake good money from this source of revenue? Well, multiplythose clicks for every page on your web site and you will builda monthly residual income with very little effort.

What is Google AdSense?

Here is an excerpt taken from Google's FAQ:

"Google is a fast and easy way for website publishers ofall sizes to display relevant, text-based, unobtrusive GoogleAdWords™ ads on their website's content pages and earn money.Because the ads are related to what your users are looking foron your site, you'll finally have a way to both monetize andenhance your content pages".

How much you earn per click depends on how much the advertisersare willing to pay. If the keywords the advertiser has chosenare in high demand you could receive several dollars per click.Alternatively low demand keywords will yield a few cents perclick.

How does Google work?

1. Sign up for a new Google account at It only takes a few minutes.

2. Once your site has been accepted (usually within one day) youwill receive a snippet of code to include on your web pages. Youcan insert this code on as many pages or web sites as you like.Google AdWords will start appearing almost immediately.

3. You earn a few cents or a few dollars per click when someoneclicks on the Google AdWords displayed on any of your web pages.Don't create revenue falsely by repetitively clicking on yourads. This will result in Google penalizing or possiblyeliminating your site. You may also lose the money you alreadyearned.

4. Viewing your stats - you can check your earningsanytime by logging into your web-based account. Here is what youwill see:

Impressions - how many times Google ads have beendisplayed on your Web page.

Clicks - the number of times an ad is clicked.

Clickthrough rate - the percentage of times an ad is clicked,out of the total number of impressions.

Your earnings - how much you have earned from Google so far.

5. Google will send you a check every 30 days when you earn$100.00 or more. You will also receive payment at the end of theyear, regardless of your account balance.

Who is Google for?

Content-based web sites - google advertisers want their ads onweb pages that contain highly targeted keywords. This enablesthe Google search engine to easily spider the site, plus engagethe visitor in the web page content. This better prepares

thevisitor's mind to then click on the Google AdWords ad.

Theme-based web sites - create a web site that focuses on highlytargeted keywords. These should be keywords that are oftensearched for (high demand) but don't have too many competing websites (low supply). For more information on this topic read myarticle ""How to begin to make money online"(

How to increase your earnings

1. Choose one topic per page - write content for your topic witha few targeted keyword phrases. Google will then serve ads thatare more relevant resulting in higher clickthroughs.

2. Use white space around your ad - this will make your ad standout from the rest of your page so visitors can easily view it.Google also provides different colors for your ad so it willharmonize with the web page color.

3. Test out your ad placement - Google recommends using thevertical skyscraper format that runs down the side of your pagefor optimum results. Try testing both horizontal and verticalformats over a period of time to see which format gives you thebest results.

4. Create more content-based pages - expand the theme of yourweb site by creating pages that focus on your keyword phrases.Optimize those pages for the search engines. This will not onlyattract traffic to those pages but make them more relevant forGoogle AdWords to be displayed.

5. Site Built It ( the perfect tool for creating lots of Revenue. SiteBuilt It provides all the tools necessary to quickly createkeyword-rich web sites that rank high in the search engines.This will produce a flood of traffic to your site of highlytargeted visitors.

My Personal Experience - "Since I added Google ads tothe article pages on my web site last month(, I have earned a nice residualincome. Since this extra revenue was unexpected, I am gratefulthat I took the time to implement the Google program".

Conclusion - give Google a try by writingkeyword-focused pages based upon the interests you arepassionate about. You will not only enjoy writing about them,but earn some extra cash as well.


Google FAQ

Site Built It

About the author:Herman Drost is the author of the popular ebook "101 HighlyEffective Strategies to Promote Your Web Site" Subscribe to his“Marketing Tips” newsletter for more original You can read more of hisin-depth articles at:


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