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How To Make More Money With Google Adsense By Pinyo Bhulipongsanon, Fri Dec 9th
Like any Google Publisher, you will want to increaseyour Google revenue. Your revenue depends on 3factors: (1) the number of visitors to your site, (2) the numberof visitor that clicks on the ads (Click Through Rate, or CTR),and (3) how well the ads pay (Cost Per Click, CPC). Get anyoneof these factor to go up and you will earn more money fromAdSense! Google Revenue = Traffic xCTR x CPC Fortunately you can control all of thesevariables. Increase the your web sitetraffic There are many techniques to increase your web site traffic, youcan consult The Basics of WebSite Promotion for more idea. However, I will list a fewtechniques here: - Improve your search engineranking. You can read The Importance ofTop Search Engine Ranking to get an idea why. Basically, youget more traffic as your site get closer to the top (of any listincluding search engine result page)
- Add your site todirectories. They are great way to build link popularity, aswell as, get your site indexed in search engines.
- Addyour site to search engines (not needed if you already didabove)
Advertise your site through other means Etc.
Increase the Click Through Rate There are manytechniques, I will list a few here: In any case, never ever ask your visitor to click on the ads ordo it yourself. This is against Google TOS and you willget thrown out of the program. Increase How Well the Ads Pay Your option will belimited with an established sites because you have to keep webpages relevant to the site theme, but you can create new sitesto cater to more expensive keywords. You can do this by going toGoogle AdWords and see what advertiser are paying per click (youdo not have to sign up to do this). For example, these are somewords and recommended bid: - Well, you get the idea.
- $1.56 - "webmaster"
- $20.00 - "web hosting" WOW!!!
- $0.62 - "forums"
- Create web pages relevant to your site, butoptimized to the selected keywords.
- Avoid the use oflow paying words that may confuse AdSense.
I hope this basic tutorial will give you a good foundation andallows you to become a more successful advertisment publish,that is, to make more money with Google AdSense. About the author:Pinyo Bhulipongsanon is the owner of, a webmaster resources sitewith features such as webmaster forums, webmaster directory,webmaster dictionary, programming scripts, and webmasterarticles.