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Keyword Prices Decline 3.0% In The First Quarter Of 2005
By Tommy Maric, Fri Dec 9th

An analysis of web’s most popular 20,000 keywords, found that keyword prices dropped 3.0%from January 2005 to April 2005 from an average bid price of58.9 cents to an average bid price of 57.1 cents. The 20,000most popular keywords are distributed in pricing as follows:

Keyword Price…# of Keywords $20.00-$49.99…20 $10.00 - $19.99…123$5.00 - $9.99…660 $3.00 - $4.99…923 $1.00 - $2.99…3,918 $0.50 -$0.99…2,259 $0.25 - $0.49…2,115 $0.15 - $0.24…1,584 $0.10 -$0.14…2,962 $0.05 - $0.09…592

Note that there are 4,379 keywords in the Top 20,000 keywordswhich have either a zero price or do not have three activeadvertisers.

Keyword pricing is critical for internet advertisers and alsowebmasters as expensive keywords allow them to maximize theirprofits using Google’s Adsense™ program.

According to Dave Lavinsky, President of,“With the overall decrease in keyword prices this quarter, it isimportant to know which keywords remain profitable. What may notseem evident is that in fact many keywords enjoyed a largeappreciation in value and now we have over 800 keywords in ourdatabase

that are worth $5.00 or more.”

There were many large increases in the value of certainkeywords. The keyword “shiva” for example, went up 935% from aprice of just $0.17 to $1.76. “Medifast” also made a giant leapin value increasing from $1.50 to $6.98. This surge in value ismost likely due to increased consumer awareness of the Medifastbrand and increasing competition among retailers.

With information changing so quickly it is important to keepabreast of the current value of keywords. The value of thesekeywords can change dramatically over a very short period oftime making a once profitable website quickly unprofitable. Forinstance, the keyword “Vioxx” declined by 50% from $16 to $8from January to April 2005 as the value of Vioxx litigationclients decreased. Keeping informed and up to date is of greatimportance to webmasters looking to turn a profit.

About the author:Tommy Maric is the manager of is designed to help webmasters maximizetheir profits using Google’s Adsense™ program. Through extensiveresearch, continues to develop up to datedatabases of the most popular keywords and their accompanyingprices. For more information, please visit


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