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Using Link Placement Analysis To Maximize Profits By Craig Desorcy, Fri Dec 9th
Let us assume for a moment that your web site is a store. Not apiece of virtual property, but a real one. Standing behind thecounter, you notice where customers flow as they travel aroundyour carefully constructed displays. Taking note of this behavior, you decide to put the latestspecial offers along the most visited path through the store.Each offer, of course, placed strategically alongside competingproducts. Then, you sit back and watch, as visitors decide to stop andstare at the displays, ignore them and walk off, or pick up aproduct and put it in their basket.
Very quickly, you learn which offers work, which do not, andwhich never even get seen. Now translate this into the virtual world. Your customersnavigate by clicking on links. So, the question is, do you knowthe links being clicked? If not, you will miss out on sales, andhence profits. One of the most innovative schemes to date has to be the GoogleAdSense project. It works so well because the adverts presentedmatch the surrounding content. Trapping which adverts are clicked, and which are not, will putyou in a position to optimize the presentation so that youmaximize the click-through ratio of each block. This works in so many different ways that you could bemultiplying your sales by simply reusing the same techniques andwording presented by in the rest of your site. Links serve two purposes; providing navigation to areas ofinterest within the site, and pulling potential customers in sothat they take the plunge and purchase, sign-up for,
or merelyshow interest in, your offer of the day. Since you can't actually see your customers, however, and followthem around; you need another method by which you can gauge thesuccess of your link placement strategy and link phrase content. Measuring the success of certain areas and navigation paths willlead you to choose to make certain items more prominent or evenremove areas which take time to update, but hold little interestto visitors. All serious webmasters should take the time to build up aspreadsheet of where customers have been active, and where theyhave 'clicked out' of the site, so that the placement of linksand their phrasing can be adjusted properly. Specialist tools are much more effective, chiefly by cutting theamount of time spent analyzing logs leaving more time for thecreation of new sites, and business relationships to present onthem. After all, as Bill Gates himself points out, the Internet is theembodiment of 'Business @ the Speed of Thought.'***********************************************************copyright©Craig Desorcy Anyone may use this article as long asthis resource box is not removed and back link is live. Toimprove your link Placement today Please go to: About Author: Craig Desorcy is anInternet enthusiast who Lives and works in Japan, spending mostof his free time on the internet running his blog and websitesof interest. Craig(at)************************************************** About the author:About Author: Craig Desorcy is an Internet enthusiast who Livesand works in Japan, spending most of his free time on theinternet running his blog and websites ofinterest.Craig(at)