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Website Traffic Revenue By Oland Whitecotton, Fri Dec 9th
h2>Website traffic can pay for itself in a number of ways:GoogleAdSense #CPMBannerDisplay">CPM BannerDisplays #PTCBanners">PTC Banners #Sales">Sales / New signups
These are a few examples, there are certainly more unseen waystraffic is paying for itself, including a bettersearch engine ranking, resulting in higher qualitywebsite traffic! Google AdSense GoogleAdSense is a great way to earn cash off your website withno effort at all. Visitors come to your website and seeGoogle’s ads on the side, and if they are interested, they clickthem. You get paid for visitors clicking on ads! Websitetraffic can get you targeted visitors who are likelyto click these ads generating revenue for you.
Banner Displays Though you get paid far less for these kinds of ads, they do payyou for doing nothing. There are two kinds of CPM Bannerprograms you can join: Unique counters and Raw counters. Rawcounters typically pay less, however unique counters take longerto get to your payout. At our rock-bottom prices, you can buyhundreds of thousands of untargeted visitors to view yourwebsite and get paid for it through CPM Banner programs. PTC Banners Pay To ClickBanners, or PTC for short, generate more revenue than CPM bannerdisplays but typically less than Google’s program.Sales / New Signups New websitesales or signups on your website is the best way tomake a revenue. By purchasing traffic from atdiscounted, wholesale prices, you can increase your profit andget return customers, all while saving money!About the author:Professional website developer at