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Is Your Spending Out Of Control? By Gerri D To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done. - Richard G. Scott Most Americans take for granted all of the abundance of material possessions and often lose sight of many of the things that are priceless. All types of apparel and merchandise are available to everyone with a reasonable desire to accumulate them. However, this is true only if you have the money to purchase them.
Reports from a quick search in Wikipedia , a free online encyclopedia, finds that just in the United States alone, in April 2005, consumer spending reached a staggering sum of $753 billion. In 2006, the apparel and accessories figure went up 32 percent versus the same quarter this time last year.
Why is this? All of the material things that money can buy does not guarantee you lasting happiness. Yet, many people assume it is true. And it may be so - temporarily. Do you find yourself craving for and owning the best in every item that comes along? The same holds true not only for the latest in styles, but also the need to own the latest gadget, computer, auto, shoes., and furniture is mind boggling. The marketplace is the breeding ground for introducing more new items and pushing you to buy, buy, buy. No wonder your spending is out of control.
The law of supply and demand is alive and well. The big secret to living within your budget is knowing what you need versus what you crave because it is there. If no one purchases the retailer's merchandise, many businesses would not be in business for long. When there is always a sufficient supply of merchandise for everybody, the need is irrelevant and becomes less important.
There seems to be a belief that you need not have to wait until you can pay cash for anything you wish to have. Instead, you whip out that credit card because you can. This is a well-won out habit and a difficult one for some to break. It is not easy to do if you constantly hold dark thoughts and feelings of lack, pessimism, and negativity inside. Buying, then, becomes the means to happiness.
All purchases, no matter what your reason is for the purchase, starts with your state of mind. You have complete control of your mind and the only thing you have
complete control over. The habit of staying within a strict budget can be a good habit to develop. When you experience depressive attitudes and hold negative thoughts, are you compelled to go out and buy, buy, buy? Practice looking at your life with a brighter view. Knowing that you do not have to be an impulse buyer is a step in the right direction. And knowing when you have control to not purchase an item you do not need or would never use, or wear, is rewarding. It is important to discipline your mind to express positive attitudes. In turn, this opens up the flow to more positive and thoughtful behavior.
Here are four quick and inspirational ways you can turn off the dependence on credit card debt.
1. Train and test your mind to accept the fact that just because you desire a certain item because it is available, you do not have to go out and buy it. Your life becomes richer and less dependent on material things.
2. Have faith in yourself and know that you have the guidance of a higher, universal intelligence. Backed with faith, you will know when the time is right for that all important purchase.
3. Stay healthy. Reduce as much stress in your life as possible. Stress leads to unwise shopping. With poor health and an unfit body, the mind lacks the strength and desire to make good choices and judgments. You also limit positive plans, thoughts, and solutions from entering your mind.
4. Know that happiness comes from within; not from buying and owning material possessions. Try going without using your credit card for a full week. See how free you become from your spending habit. Then, only make a purchase when it is absolutely necessary. You will control your overspending and stay within your budget. Then you will feel good!
I know this may not sit well with those in the business of selling, and I am a small business seller myself, however it just may be a wake-up call to us, too. We must realize that when you are ready to purchase from a positive position, and not just because the impulsive need is there, we must be there and ready to make the sale!
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