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Smoking...stop It! By Stanimir Sotirov Smoking...Do you really need it? No!!! Than why dont you quit?! Because i cant! These are frequentley asked questions from non smokers to smokers. Dont you think the answers dont really make sens?What do you mean you cant? DOnt you know how much it harms you and the people around you?No?Well now you will find out. To be seccessful in anything first of all you have to love your self. If you love your self than you would not risk your health in such a terrible way. So i will begin with the harms you bring to your self with that nasty habit. Even little children can associate health risks with smoking,but are those risk overastimated or underastimated? According to the National Cancer Instituted, regular smoking can result in cancers of the oesophaqus,lungs,bladder,kidneys,cervical, oral cavity and pancreas.Also reseasrches show that people who are regularly inhalin while enjoying a cigar are also at greater risk of developing lung disease and heart problems. The reason for to be so adictive is the nicotine.It is a highley addictive substance containd in the tobacco.But nicotine is not he only compund that damages your health there are more than 4000 chemicals and at least 400 toxic substance.The 3 most harmful are as i already sead nicotine(not only adictive but also increase the cholesterol levels in your body),tar(causes cancer) and carbon monoxide(reuces oxygen in the body). Themajor diseases caused by smoking are : cardiovascular disease-the main cause of death due to smoking Coronary thrombosis-causes heart attack cerebral thrombosis-leads to collapse, stroke, paralysis, high blood pressure,kidney failure,gangrene and amputation of legs. cancers -lungs cancer -bladder cancer -cancer of the oesophaqus -cancer of the kidneys -cancer of the pancreas -cervical cancer -oral cancer and many other disease like impotance,reduces the blood supply do the skin ,also each cigarette shortens a smoker's life by around 11 minutes. That should be of interest to you
in case you love your self.But if thats not the case with you than you need to know what risks you are causing the people around you.You have to love somebody right?If not you your family?Frends?Anybody? The environmental tobacco that comes off a cigarette between puffs carries a higher risk than directly inhaled smoke. All secondhand smoke emitted by tobacco products are classified as environmental tobacco smoke. Environmental tobacco smoke refers to all the secondhand smoke released from tobacco products that are lit, such as cigars or cigarettes. Research indicates that the smoke from cigars and releases many of the same types of irritants. Both cigar and cigarette environmental tobacco smoke contain nicotine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and ammonia. The environmental tobacco smoke from cigars and cigarettes also releases well-known carcinogens such as vinyl chlorine, benzene, arsenic, hydrocarbons , and nitrosamines. Cigars, because of their size, usually release more environmental tobacco smoke than cigarettes. Being around cigar smoke, then, can pose more of a health threat than inhaling secondhand smoke from a lit cigarette. Children who grow up in a home where one or both of their parents smoke have twice the risk of getting asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. They also have a higher risk of developing allergies. Infants under two years old are more prone to severe respiratory infections and cot death. For adults, passive smoking seems to increase the risk of lung cancer and the risk of heart disease. Now do you think about quitting? Yes? Good!!! hereyou can find top 10 tips about quiting smoking that will help you in the hardest part the beginning and dpnt forget to check Body and Spirit for more interesting posts about your health!