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Quit Smoking Now By Walter Hilliam Copious of Pleasant Reasons To Quit Smoking
Almost everywhere a smoker goes these days there is the public reminding them that it is in there best health to quit smoking. Additionally, with many states and communities passing laws regulating where a man can have a smoke, many have decided that it is worth the sacrifice to quit smoking.
During our parents' time, there were very few governments who were against smoking. Many times during that period smokers were seen on television shows and in the movies lighting up their cigarettes. Despite the earliest warnings about the health concerns of cigarettes, there was no real rush to get people to quit smoking.
When the issue of second-hand smoke dangers was initially presented women that smoked, often in the presence of children and other non-smokers, wanted more scientific facts to back that claim before they would quit smoking around others. Even with daming evidence of the dangers, many are still finding it hard to quit smoking.
Smoking is an addictive obsession that normally begins when a person is in their teen years or early into their 20’s. It is very easy to become addicted on but not nearly as easy to quit smoking, as people would like to think.
Addiction Is Mental And Physical
There is a physical addiction to nicotine, the main addictive drug in that can take about a week to work out of the
system. The first 72 hours are considered the worst time when people quit smoking but after that the physical craving for nicotine diminishes. The remainder of the addiction is considered mental, although there are physical aspects to it as well.
Those who smoked, especially for most of their lives, find they have nothing to do with their hands, which held onto a cigarette during their smoking years. In order to reduce the mental craving some turn to snacking, which is something they rarely did while they were smoking. Weight gain is a common fact for new non-smokers, but the majority believe that losing weight will be a breeze than when they quit smoking.
Some people think that just like becoming addicted to did not happen at once, breaking the habit will take time as well. They have a slow withdrawal plan with a target date to quit smoking. Others find various means to break the habit, such as hypnosis, laser techniques and substitutes to wean them off the addictive habits. But most agree that they need to do whatever it takes to quit smoking for their health’s sake. Walter Hilliam is a thrilled ex-smoker and an expert on quitting smoking.His Squidoo Lens on Stop Smoking can be found at