Gambling News Site Proposes Automatic List Of Bonuses
By Jack Reider, Tue Jan 10th
An online internet site, which specializes in providing newsreports and studies about all types of gambling ventures, hasdecided to put together an automatic list of bonuses offered byonline casinos.
One of the most problematic things that new players have to faceis bonuses. Sometimes online casinos offer cash bonuses that aretheoretically enormous, but unattainable for the averagegambler. Gambling Portal tries to seek out the bonuses that donot require too much of a deposit to be eligible for it. Inaddition, it also does not list those casinos that have a highminimum for withdrawing the money after you have begun to play.
Though it seems that nearly every casino portal does this,Gambling Portal updates their list as it happens. They havebuilt a software program that scans casinos and changes thebonus numbers automatically. They got the idea watchingsportsbooks such as William Hill and LadBrokes, who deliverlines for different games.
For the time being, this list is being offered for free at andyou can go and check it out.
Developed by a string of independent programmers, GamblingPortal focuses on delivering news about casinos and sports betsfrom all over the world.
About the author:JackReider:
Married + 2 and living in Texas, USA, Jack Reider has a BA andan MA in Classical Literature (the Roman Period) and iscurrently involved in writing his PHD on the period between thereign of Caesar and Augustus. Jack is also an experiencedgambling fan and though he does not need the money, loves togamble for fun. He does not play tournam