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Online Casinos By WiseBettor.com, Tue Jan 10th
Many people around the world play at online casinos, and that'sfine if it's your only source of gambling. However, onlinecasinos are nowhere near as close to the real thing when itcomes to simulation. Take Craps for example. The casinodetermines what number rolls by using a random number generator.However, just how random is random? If you have been in acasino, you know that every single person at a table has aunique rolling pattern. Some stack the dice and casually vaultthem into the air. Others shake them up and rocket them to theback wall, while other frequently launch the dice off the tableor fall short of the back wall. There are even players whochange their rolling pattern every roll or point. An does not have the ability to simulate this.Sure, they can manipulate the random number generator, butthere's still no way to accurately simulate table action. Havingprogrammed, I know that a random number generator is not allthat random. Worse, if the computer simply "picks a number", itis not even a proper setup to being with. Let's keep looking atCraps. Does the casino have a random number generator thatsimply picks a number between one and twelve? If so, all thenumbers have an even shot at coming out, which is against trueprobability. Perhaps they list out all probable combinations andthen the computer selects one. This would be a little moreaccurate, probability wise, but it still lacks the realrandomness of live action--and weird events are more likely toensue. What I'm about to tell you is true and happens more frequentlythat one would imagine. A tester recently played at an onlinecasino (Craps) to monitor number frequency in the field. Withinthe span of just 150 rolls, the computer rolled 11 non-fieldnumbers in a row and then followed it up a handful of rollslater by rolling 12 non-field numbers in a row. What's the bigdeal you ask?
Well, first, the field has a 44.5% chance ofwinning on every roll and second; the probability of throwing 11non-field rolls in a row is .0015%. The probability of throwing12 non-field numbers in a row is .0008%. These events shouldhappen once every 667 rolls and once every 1176 rollsrespectively, yet both where seen within a handful of rolls fromeach other within the 150 rolls monitored.
But wait, there's more. Within these same, now historic, 150rolls, a six was not thrown for 13-16 rolls 5 times. Theprobability of not throwing a six 13 times is 14.5% (9% for 16rolls)--this happened 5 times in 150 rolls. The same happened tothe eight--in fact--there were two instances where an eight wasnot thrown for 18-20 times. The probability of this happening is5-7% and it happened twice. When you add all of these things together, you get a moreaccurate picture of just how unrealistic random numbergenerators are for simulating real casino action. I am nottrying to scare you away from playing. In fact, money can bemade and fun can be had at online casinos. However, you need torealize that you are playing in a different environment withdifferent rules. You can't go chasing bets thinking they areoverdue, mathematically, to come in, because this is a differentworld with a different way of producing outcomes. Playingstrategies that you would use in a real live casino might not beapplicable in an online casino. Read more at WiseBettor.com. About the author:WiseBettor.com is full of articles on gambling, gambling strategies, gamblingreviews and more from an ex-professional Vegas gambler.
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