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Asian Gambling Basics By Mansi gupta, Sat Dec 10th
Gambling became popular in China in the last phase of theimperial dynasty i.e. from 1644 to 1912. Canton, Macao, Shanghaiand Hong Kong became the famous for their liquor and gambling.These areas inhabited foreigners, usually Americans, who wereknown to be rough. Moreover, majority of these inhabitants weremales. Chinese natives indulged in gambling along with theforeigners. Famous gambling games in China include Mah Jongg and Pai Gow.Pia Gow consists of a bank having one woodpile. The bankingduties are entrusted to one of the players. Other players aregiven four tiles of the woodpile, which they have to group inpairs of two such that the player’s pair should have a greatervalue than the bank. If the player succeeds then he wins thebet. A lot of money can exchange hands over this game. Mah Jongg, meaning ‘sparrow’ is an ancient game which wasdeveloped primarily for the rich class of China. The game issaid to have been invented by a fisherman to prevent seasickness. It is said that the fisherman invented this game todistract the other fishermen from the surroundings, so that theydo not feel sea sick in the middle of the sea. Later, a Chinesegeneral heard of the game and engaged his soldiers in it atnight to prevent them from falling asleep. The game underwent alot of variations and every region called it with a differentname. Finally, the game was standardized in early 1990s. thegame consists of 136 to 144 tiles depending on the whether theplayers choose to play with flowers or seasons. The playresembles rummy except for the fact that the game is played withtiles. The game also uses a pair of
dice and chips to keep thescore. It requires four players, the aim of each being to obtaina set of tiles. The set types that are permitted are “kong”,“pung” and “chow”. A complete hand contains four sets and a pairof similar tiles. The fist one to have this combination offourteen tiles wins.
Another game is Sci Bo, meaning ‘two dice’. This game is abetting game with players betting on the total of their dice. Itis played with three dice. The bets include small bets that isthe total may fall; between the range of four to ten, or bigbets i.e. the total may fall between eleven to seventeen. Theplayers shake the dice in a cup and keep the cup upside downwith the dice hidden in the cup. Wagers are then made on theoutcome. The player guessing the total can earn hugs sums. It isrumored that skilful players can predict the total by hearingthe clanking of dice in the cup. In casinos the entire game ismechanized. Bets are placed on the number marked on the table.The dice are then shaken using a vibrating platform. The resultsare displayed on a screen. Other famous gambling games includeKeno and Pachinko. Despite the popularity of these gambling games, not all Chinesestates are ready to legalize it. While Macao has legalizedgambling, Shanghai carries it on illegally. In Hong Kong, onlyhorse raising is legalized and The Hong Kong Jockey Club earnshuge revenue. About the author:Mansi gupta writes about asian gambling. Learn more at .