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Tips When Traveling Asia By Jay Bauder, Mon Dec 26th
Asian Travel Tips Asia occupies a quarter of the earth's land mass, it spans a lotof time zones. Having a single travel guide for all of isvirtually impossible. like any other continent, has itscertain hot spots, here are basic travel tips for a few of themost happening countries in Asia. Vietnam
The country's recommended tourist spots are Hanoi and Ho ChiMinh City, which are both modernized. All tourists in Vietnam,except Thai and Philippine Nationals need a tourist Visa beforeentering the Country. Health wise, Malaria is prevalent inVietnam, it would be best to bring with you anti-mosquitolotions to prevent being bit. Indonesia Aside from the usual prohibition of narcotics and deadlyweapons, Radio cassette Players are banned in the Island ofBali, which is a prime tourist spot in Indonesia. Any objectwith Chinese characters written on it, are also prohibited inBali. Thailand Thai people are very religious and very loyal to the monarchy.You would often see pictures of the king around the cities,never make fun of him. The Thai also consider the head as thehighest part of the body, whether spiritual or physical. Refrainfrom touching anybody in the head, and try not to point atanything with your foot. Malaysia It's best to bring light and cool clothing in Malaysia. Youwould usually find food stands in the cities selling the localdelicacies, "teh tarik" a creamed
tea, and "roti canai" a typeof pancake, are a must try when you do encounter them. Malaysiahas many religions, you would usually see, a variety ofChristian churches, Muslim Mosques and Buddhist and Hindutemples may be present in each city. Philippines The Philippine has 7,107 islands and islets; beaches are themain tourist spots in the country. There are several museums andHistorical Landmarks in Manila, the country's capital. BoracayIsland is the boast of the country which has white sand beaches.You'll find a "tiangge", which is a sort of bazaar with stallsthat sell almost anything, in most parts of the country, eveninside malls. Tiagges are a good place to find souvenirs as wellas cheap goods. General Tips Each country in has its own currency, although up-endestablishments will accept dollars, there are very few of thesearound. It is best to have your money changed at the local bank.Some hotels also offer money changing, but usually at a lowerexchange rate. Pickpockets are present in most tourist spots, so be carefulwith your valuables. Separate money from checks and creditcards, have two sets if you can so that you won't be left dry ifyou fall victim to a pickpocket. About the author: Jay is the web owner of Discount AirlineTickets, a website that provides information and resourceson vacations, airfare, hotels, and travel. You can visit hiswebsite at: Cheap Hotels