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Thai Women Are The Best ! By Dao Jones, Sat Dec 10th
Read here what on of my friends wrote about Thai women : Thai women are absolutely delightful. It's true. Nowhere onEarth are women as fun-loving and charming as in Thailand. Somehow they manage to be sweet and demure too. If you add tothis their natural beauty, amazingly soft skin, long silky hairand ultra-feminine looks, you have a combination is totallyirresistible. Step onto any Bangkok Skytrain and you can spot atleast a dozen women who you might happily spend the rest of yourlife with.
It doesn't stop there. Thais tend to be sociable, well-adjustedpeople - even when raised in poverty. Large families and crampedconditions have created a race of people who are very easy tolive with. Isolated loners who collect guns and pornography arealmost unknown. Even if you live in a one-room apartment, your tidy andeasygoing Thai girlfriend will never get under your feet.Because she's always shared a bed with her sisters, her sleepingmanners are impeccable. As you doze off against her soft cool body, you can forget aboutthe prodding elbows and sharp toenails of space-hogging faranggirls. In the west, coming home to your wife normally involveslistening to hours of whining and moaning. To offer solutions would be missing the point - she's justoffloading and looking for sympathy. Most men find thisbehaviour irritating and feel undermined by the implied (ordownright overt) criticism. It's little wonder that we have adivorce epidemic. In contrast, Thai women rarely moan. They are brought up toendure life's little problems without fuss. The result can bedomestic bliss - but only if you identify the things thatgenuinely worry her without having to be told. Some guys reckon that you need to be psychic but, if you loveyour girl, looking after her properly should come naturally.It's the fellas who treat their Thai girlfriend like a servantand sexual spittoon who tend to come unstuck. There seems to be a common misconception that Thai girls areobedient. She may be polite and conflict-averse but in realityshe's no doormat. Bullying her will get you nowhere. She usescharm and guile to get what she wants from you. Hopefully,you'll soon work out how to charm her. It's a learningexperience that can make you a better and more popular person. Perhaps the best thing about having a Thai girlfriend is herfun-loving nature. Clowning around is an essential part of theThai character. If you can adapt to her sense of humour, youwill enjoy a happier and more playful relationship than you everhad with a farang woman. Somehow, she injects fun into the most mundane of tasks - evencleaning the bathroom. Entertaining her is easy and a littleeffort on your part is rewarded 10 times over. Fancy restaurantsand designer clothes are quite unnecessary. Buy her a new T-shirt, a comic book and a bag of barbequedchicken bums and she will act like a kid on Christmas morning. Acouple of Chang beers on the balcony are as enjoyable as a nightout. Thai women are very affectionate. Though public displays ofaffection are frowned upon, she'll be all over you like a rashat home. When you're out alone, she'll call constantly. Don'teven think about switching your phone off or she'll go crazywith worry. Some guys find it annoying (particularly if they'retrying to fool around with other girls) but it's never botheredme. In bed, worldly farang girls definitely have the edge. However,with patience and gentle encouragement, your Thai sweetheartcould out-slut the best of them. In relationships with faranggirls I've always experienced sexual boredom but, with the rightThai girl, the erotic charge seems to be long-term. Oppositesdefinitely attract. Do you want to know more about Thai women or about Asian Girls ? Thousands of Asian Women are looking for real love online. Havea look at some examples. Click here to visit some of my favourite pages : Asian-Girls-DatingHomepage AsianAdult
Dating Thai Girls : 1 2345 6 78910 11 12 13 1415 1617 18 Japanese Girls : 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Chinese Girls : 1 2 3 4 5 678 9 About the author:Dao Jones, the founder of is connectingAsian girls to western men in a very unique and succesfull way.Since 2001 she is giving dating and writing tips, as well aslots of information about the special characteristics of Asianwomen.