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Nothing To Fear
By Ed Howes, Fri Dec 9th

March 12, 2003

Nothing to Fear

Terror is meant to change policy. Fear is meant to supportpolicy. This is the Old World idea of balance. Guns change votesand that is why democracy is found nowhere. Nor would we wantdemocracy if we had a choice, because we know the majority ismore often wrong than right. In fact, the majority loves to bedeceived and chooses deceivers to lead them down the road toglory. Europe has had so much of this last Century, it balks atthe idea of supporting any potential 21st Century Hitler, oneither side of the Atlantic.

Is it because the fearful are so much easier to control andmanipulate that fear is the major product of world governments?Everywhere I look surely fear is the preferred tool. It is cheapand very easy to generate.

Oklahoma City and the World Trade Center attacks had a commongoal and lesson. If your government cannot protect its own, howcan it protect anyone else? Look at what your government does inthe world, in your name. Do you approve? If you don't, what willyou "free" people do about it? We will pay for it, of course,because we are free to pay for it.

We all would love to believe we are safer now that governmentis half awake. Instead, we sense the truth that ourvulnerability increases every day. As long as we can stay alertto strange activity around us we can survive terror fromwithout. We won't even look at the threats to and in theCapitol. The game is called look over here so you don't see whatwe are doing over there. We look where they point and fix ourattention on their message. Why don't we look elsewhere for someother point of view? See if there is a big picture.

In November, 2001, Commander Bush and Secretary Rumsfeldassisted the escape of some 8000 members of fromAfghanistan to Pakistan. As Pakistani transport planes airliftedthousands through an official no fire corridor, those on theground had enough time to hike to the Pakistani border, about120 miles away. This was fully reported on the PBS program, Now,with Bill Moyers. It aired 21 February, 2003. You can read anarchived transcript @ PBS.Org.

We can imagine that cellular organization and skillfulrecruiting can double the number of cells in a year or less.8,000 set free in November 2001, could easily be 20,000today. We might ask how this can be called homeland security. AlQaeda is not just bodies, but minds united by a worthy cause.Change U.S. policies.

Another lesson of September 11 is that a very determined enemyhas the will to find a way. It took two attempts to destroytheir priority target and the first attempt on the new prioritytarget, the U.S. Capitol, is fair warning. If I lived or workedwithin 50 miles of the Capitol, I would not sleep well withoutself medicating and I assume most in that area do medicate.

So why would the President want to assist in a future attack onthe very place he lives and works? The whole story is not to befound in the Now report, or with me. The advantage theterrorists have over America is a rich, fertile, collectiveimagination. Americans have little or none. So why

don't westart reclaiming some imagination for ourselves? It could save alife or millions. It may be too late and not worth botheringabout.

Let's imagine that and Pakistan are friendly allies.As a reward for 9/11, Pakistan presents with three orfour nuclear weapons on ballistic missiles, supplied by NorthKorea. Or imagine three or four portable nukes flown in with theregular drug supply and turned over to American right wingextremists to place, under supervision. They are detonated bytelephone when the time is right, or the ballistic missiles areloaded on some innocuous ship like an oil tanker, which cruisesinto striking distance and launches the entire payload at one ortwo targets.

For the love of symbolism has demonstrated, the strikecomes when the U.S. invades Iraq, where much of our HomelandSecurity is at the moment. Washington D.C. is vaporized. Theadministration, with some advance warning, retires to itssurvival bunkers. When the dust clears, they are all that isleft of national government and call the troops home to enforcethe martial law demanded by the people. We intensify our war onterror by arresting you and your neighbor for lack ofcooperation with the new rules. This is as hard for us toimagine as Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City or 9/11. If we canimagine it, we can start making decisions now about how we willallow such an event to affect us. I was hoping to warn Congressbut they are so swamped with protest communications, my messageis unlikely to reach them. They could be sacrificed before theyfully realize the threat. I heard 9/11 was the result ofcommunication failure. All successful attacks will be for thissame reason.

Treason is a Capital crime. Providing aid and comfort to theenemy in time of war is the definition of treason or hightreason. So why is the Capitol trusting their lives to thefriends of in the White House? Is it possible not oneof them knows what I have told you?

We are told that America does not distinguish betweenterrorists and those who support them. Assisting the escape of8,000 supports terrorism as surely as money ortraining, which Congress also provides through Pakistan andother friends of the President. Should the people distinguishbetween traitors and those who support them? Is the entiremilitary and Congress as guilty as the President and Secretary?How about taxpayers who make it all possible? Who is not guiltyand due no punishment? Maybe America is overdue for a goodwhipping. Who will prevent it?

On the other hand, this is a new age. An age of brotherhood andscience. I can see that aiding the escape of is aChristian and loving thing to do, not unlike allowing Saddam toleave Iraq with whatever entourage he chooses, before he ishunted down and eliminated. Who knows how we are loving Iran andNorth Korea? Though we might not see love as a result of theworld's most powerful military's care and attention, who am I toquestion the men leading us into WWIII, the great love war?

For more Ed thoughts see Bedinghamstudio.Com.

Respond to Ed at Edhowes @

About the author:Freelance writer published on websites and in


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