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Adsense - 7 Keys To Empire?
By Richard Keir, Sat Dec 10th

Copyright 2005 Richard Keir

There's a lot of buzz around about how you can make a quick andeasy fortune using this course or that tool or this book.

And they show you their incomes from too (though notnecessarily THIS month). Now, is it just me or is something alittle odd in all this?

Say, I'm making $5000 - no make that $15,276 a month fromAdSense on my sites. And now I'm going to sell all my secrets onhow to do that for $67 or $97 or whatever.

So what happened, did I get all bored with my filthy riches anddecide to become a philanthropist and sell stuff that makes me15K a month for a pittance? Or is it something else?

Am I saying it's impossible? Certainly not. I know people whomake that more.

But a little reality. Those people don't have 5 or 6 or 50sites. They have maybe 500 or 3000 or more. Few sites make 20 ormore a day. Very few. Average income is probably less than adollar a day. So with 500 sites at a dollar a day, you've gotyour 15K a month.

Now the domain names cost you maybe $3500 to $4500. Then youneed hosting and somehow you've got to build the sites and gettraffic to them. There are excellent tools but the ones thatwill let you do this kind of thing in a reasonably short timeare also very (very) expensive.

And you are continually dealing with sites that don't getindexed or get de-indexed or even get banned. Traffic today,gone tomorrow. Plus, if you're not real careful with those toolsyou may get an unpleasant letter from Google about a DMCAcopyright infringement which could cost you your account.

You can make money, you can build an empire. But it isn't easyor quick no matter what you hear. And it really isn't abusiness. It's not a long run proposition, it's not stable. Youneed to keep creating more sites as older ones fail - or youneed to be smart and use those revenues to build anenduring business.

You put up with this down to here, so here are the real 7"secret" keys to AdSense.

1. The best performing type is the large rectangle. Thishas been tested over and over.

2. The best colors are blue for the link - surfers know thatblue means click me. And darkish almost black and grey for thetext and url. No borders. The same background as your page. Willit merge into your content? No, that's bogus. There are maybe 4surfers in this galaxy who can't tell a Google ad when they seeone. They are not going to believe it's part of the text. Wakeup, OK?

3. Another format which is being reported to more or less workis the

full wide banner type layout with text ads and imagesdirectly above the links. Try it and see if it works for you.Maybe it's a fad.

4. Keywords and related content are critical if you wanttargeted ads. If you want high paying clicks you need to targetthe costly keywords AND have content that supports the keywords.

5. You need traffic interested in the ads. Which means yourtraffic generation techniques have to be targeted notscattershot. You might hear that 1% or 1.5% clickthrough rate isOK and 3% is good. Nonsense. Really successful people get CTRsthat are often well above 30%. Even with modest efforts youshould be getting an average 6 to 15% CTR (per ad impression,not pages).

6. You have to track what you're doing and you have to testvariations in ad layout, placement, color and related content tooptimize your income. No one can tell you how to do it exceptthe traffic coming to your site. If you don't test and track,you're flying blind.

7. You need to keep building new sites.

You are now a member of the Illuminati. Quite possiblyyou already knew all that. So why are you looking for somethingelse? Really. This is all you need to start doing it.

Probably any course or book can help you if that's what it takesto get you moving and doing. Ultimately, no one can really showyou exactly how to do it. You're going to have to learn theropes and put in the time.

Like everything in life - the greatest traffic generator, theultimate course or the super MLM opportunity, if it sounds toogood to be true, then it is. There's no magic bullet, noultimate secret to buy. There's no easy, painless, work free,certain road to riches (except, maybe, inheriting it and thatcan be very hard on the heirs).

Whatever you do on the net, do it wide awake and with your brainactually functioning. The final un-numbered key is that atechnique, a shortcut, an idea that will make what you doeasier, faster, or more profitable - one single tiny thing - isworth more than any book or course costs. One useable idea andyou've gotten a great deal. If you learned something you didn'tknow or had forgotten, then it's worth much more than you paid.There may not be any magic solution out there, but there areuseful concepts, techniques and ideas. You just have to see themfor what they are, and then get busy and really use them.

About the author:Richard writes, teaches, trains and consults on business andprofessional presentations and eCommerce related matters. Formore information on eCommerce sites and eCommerce site buildingvisit - you can findmore articles at


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