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Surefire Google Adsense Earnings Tips
By Elizabeth McGee, Mon Jan 2nd

Placing Google ads on your website has to be one of theeasiest ways to generate income with your site. Signup is freeand all you have to do is put the ads on your site.

But easy does not always mean simple.

Google makes it easy to sign up, generate an ad and put it onyour site, however, it's not always so simple designing yoursite for interest, finding high paying keywords and placing yourads so that they attract maximum clicks.

Here are a few surefire tips that will help draw interest toyour site and your ads while helping you get the clicks thatwill make you money.

1. Build content rich sites Content rich sites do several thingsfor you. They keep viewers on your site because you areproviding information of interest. It's also important to keepthe information refreshed periodically with up-to-date andcurrent content. This is not only useful for your viewers, thesearch engines like it as well.

Sites containing useful content will also help establish you asan expert in your field allowing viewers to respect youropinions and suggestions. But most importantly, good contentwill keep your viewers coming back to your site. They willbookmark your site more often and notify their friends a lotmore. 2. Research and use higher paying keywords. Develop sitepages using topics that contain high paying keywords whilekeeping the keywords relevant to your topic.

The Overture website has a free 'keywords bid tool' that isexcellent for showing you what advertisers are paying forkeywords.

For example, using this tool I can see that the keyword 'petmedication' has a maximum bid of $1.51 while the keyword 'petname' has a maximum bid of $.11. If I were looking forinformational pages to add to my pet site, the clear choice herewould be to develop a page about pet medications and optimizethat page for the keyword 'pet medication'. 3. Place your ads inthe upper left hand quarter of your website. Studies show thatpeople almost always scan your

site from the top left workingdown. Placing a vertical skyscraper ad in that section can helpincrease your click through rate from 2% to as much as 30% orhigher.

4. Don't use horizontal banners or ads. Google recommends thatyou use vertical as opposed to horizontal ads. Web surfers seelots of horizontal banners and ads and they almostinstantaneously avoid them.

According to Google, wider ad formats such as the largerectangle and inline rectangle also tend to perform quite well.This is probably due to the fact that they are more readerfriendly allowing you to read more text at a glance withouthaving to skip a line and return to the left margin every fewwords.

My experience is that positioning these ads just before or justafter your main content can increase your clickthrough ratesubstantially. 5. Avoid the Dead Zones Google research has shownthat there are zones within your site that won't generateclicks. These areas are the top right of your site, the bottomright-hand corner and the very bottom. Ads in these areas areoften ignored. Keep your ads to the upper left, and center orjust above or below your primary content.

6. Coordinate the ad colors to match your site colors. Googleadsense offers an array of colors that you can use to displayyour ads. Choose the two main colors of your site and use thosecolors for your ad. Keep the URL link of the ad in blue sincethis is the link color that most viewers are use to. The idea isto blend your ads with your site content so as to invite moreclicks.

7. Follow the program policies to the letter. Googlekeeps a close eye on how their ads are displayed and they willcancel you immediately if you break the rules. Google isan excellent way to bring in some extra revenue so don't risklosing a good thing.

About the author: Whether you're building a home internet business orlooking for internet marketing tools, Elizabeth McGeewill help you build your web business and find the tools youneed.


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