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Thinking Of Using Hit Exchanges To Boost Your Adsense Earnings?
By John Wooton, Fri Dec 9th

So, you've added to your site and you are getting a fewclicks. You could be thinking to yourself, How do I get amassive amount of visitors to bump up my earnings? If you'reanything like me, you hear those stories about webmasters thathave added and are already earning five figure incomesper month, and you start to see the dollar signs.

So you start brainstorming. You come up with a few ideas: emailmarketing, ebooks, trial software, etc. The thirst for Adsensedollars (and maybe a few affiliate dollars) is your main drive.Pushing massive amounts of traffic through your site can giveyou quite a thrill ride.

Then along comes the well known email that markets the trafficexchanges. If you aren't familiar with traffic exchanges, it'sreally very simple. You see, you sign up for their service(which often times is free) and your website is put in a list.The way the free traffic works is that you surf the web usingtheir browser, browsing sites that are in their directory (orlist) and every 30 seconds you can refresh to a new site. As youcontinue to do this, it builds up credits for your account thatyou use for other people who are using their browser to see yoursite.

It's a cyclical service. You see their site, they see yours. Andsince you can have as many browsers going (among the manytraffic exchanges) as your computer can handle, you cantheoretically build up a large quantity of hits on your site ina relatively small period of time.

It seems like a great thing, and for many it fills a verynecessary niche, so I can't say that the traffic exchanges are abad service. I would use them in anything else that I am doing.I would, however, make a very big distinction.

First, I know and respect the tech's at Google and I know thatwhen they

make a new program for their visitors and webmastersto use, they make it for the benefit of everyone. That is thecase with their Adwords and programs, both targeted tohelping webmasters make money through advertising (albeit theopoosite ends of the scale).

So when I put an ad on my website, I know that I am offering aservice to the advertiser (through Google) to reach their targetmarket. And ethically, I should only be paid when I provide thatservice (someone clicks through that ad to their site). Thereare extreme ethical problems if you were to use trafficexchanges with the program to try and cheat theadvertiser out of his hard earned dollars.

Plus, if you haven't figured out by now, Google knows what youare doing. They have specific ways of knowing what is alegitimate impression, versus what is a hit generated by atraffic exchange. Your numbers quickly dwindle if you use a hitexchange and you run the risk of being kicked off the program.

Plus, often times you have to go through two websites wasting afull minute of your time before you get one hit directed to yourwebsite. Building up over time, it eventually it all adds up.

Take, for instance, the "surf contests". This is where they tellyou who has racked up the most surfing in the week. Thesenumbers are huge... up to 10,000 page loads. When you add it up,that's over 84 hours of one week that is taken up trying to earnan extra 1,000 hits on your site. Not very worth it to me.

The best way to use the program is with a website thatyou have that is established and has a constant stream ofvisitors going through it. That's the goal of the program, makemoney off of an existing site and its content.

About the author:Author and Creator of the SEO Journal - Step by stepinstructions on making the most of your search enginesubmissions.


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